If you are employed by the federal government, numerous federal laws exist that protect you from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation in the work place, in addition to  ensuring your entitlement to specific benefits such as healthcare, paid leave, retirement, job security, etc. The federal government also has designed special rules and procedures that must be followed when any personnel action is taken that could negatively affect you. These laws and procedures differ greatly from the private sector and require a person with experience and expertise in the federal arena to represent you if you are facing any problems at work.

At Morris E. Fischer, LLC, we concentrate in representing federal employees and take pride in our unique ability to help you navigate through the red tape to a successful resolution. Our attorneys have handled numerous cases through the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB), the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) and equally as many in Federal Courts throughout the United States.

Whether you are faced with suspension, demotion, a denial of a within-grade-increase, a transfer, termination, reprisal for whistleblowing, discrimination or any other issue that concerns your employment, our office can provide you with the advice you need and the Tough, Aggressive, And Vigorous representation your entitled to. 

We are eager to hear more about your employment issues. Contact us online to set up a free consultation or call us directly at (301) 328-7631.

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Morris E. Fischer, Esq.